Folks-- Here is the code to accompany the August 1993 edition of Windows Tech Journal. There's a lot of it, and the code is stored in a bunch of subdirectories. So be sure that you have passed pkunzip.exe the -d flag, which instructs the program to restore the directory structure along with the files. Included in the archives are... MILLER This archive contains the code for CGWindow, an OWL 1.0 class that translates dialog resources into full-fledged application windows. You can use dialog-building tools to design your app's windows with this tool without the limitations usually imposed by this technique. STOMPER This is the bug-tracking database created by Mark Burgess and described in his August "For the Records" column. Both the executable and the Visual Basic 3.0 source are included. ZEMPEL Here's all the code you need to call functions in 32-bit DLLs from Visual Basic using our 32-bit VB thunking mechanism. YOU MUST HAVE THE WIN32S SUBSYSTEM TO RUN THIS CODE! FRANTZ Here's all the C code required to create the cool "target" custom controls described in Gerard Frantz's "Kamikaze Kontrolz." OOPCODE This contains all the C++ code from the August OOP Alley column PLUS the code from June and July, which we distributed before learning the subtleties of PKZip's various command-line switches. ENJOY!